But wait, why do these other ACT prep programs offer HUGE score increase guarantees?
And What Do They REALLY mean?
First of all, let's be honest: any ACT Prep Program can promise ANY score increase...even if they know most of their students will never achieve that increase with their program.
How does this work? Well, if they promise a money-back guarantee, they make it almost impossible to actually get your money back by using unreasonable stipulations. And, if they promise additional prep if you aren't happy (this is the most common guarantee), then they've probably already factored that into their price. After all, the person who designed/owns a huge ACT prep program is NOT the person teaching the classes. Think about it...if a company charges $4000 for a 30 hour private program, pays a random tutor $20 an hour to work with the student, then pays another tutor $20 an hour to fulfill their "guarantee" that the student will get 10 additional hours when they don't improve 5 composite points (or whatever number they want to say), then, even if the students NEVER improves, they've still made $3200 AFTER they pay the people who did most of the work! And, if the owner of the program DOES personally teach the classes, then they very well may hand-pick the most promising students who already have decent scores, while turning away the students they don't think they can help. Of course, these are usually the students who need the MOST help!
LogicMax does not do any of this. LogicMax designer and CEO, Jennifer Fuller, teaches ALL of the classes and doesn't turn ANY student away because their initial score is too low. In fact, Jen is MOST excited to help students who have the chance to increase the MOST. She loves a challenge, and she knows that her program really works. This is why her students almost always increase at least 6 points after 3 round of classes with her. Of course, most students increase MUCH more than that...and often after just a few weeks of prep with Jen. (If you have a few extra minutes, please check out all our amazing Google reviews).
So why do some students not improve after their first round of test prep? Proctors not giving you the correct amount of time to finish your test? Yup...happens ALL THE TIME. Not feeling well the day of the test? Some poor students have had this happen more than once! Your proctor telling you that you aren't allowed to use calculator programs? It's rare, but it has happened on occasion when a proctor doesn't have a complete grasp of the rules. And the list goes on.
So Jen makes sure that each student knows that if they work hard, then she will NOT leave them hanging. She has been known to stay late after class to work with a student who was struggling, gives her students her cell number so they can text her with questions or a last minute emergency before a test (like meeting a mom at a Walmart at midnight the night before an ACT in order to program a new calculator when a student lost his calculator less than 10 hours before the test.) And if a student has worked incredibly hard and something completely out of their control has happened, Jen has absolutely been willing to work with those students again without offering a guarantee, because, at LogicMax, we just want to have amazing customer service, and we treat our students like family.